Something different is in the air these days...
It smells cleaner
The sky looks bluer
Everything seems to just be easier...
What is causing such ease?
Could it be a change in your job?
Change in your family?
Did you win the Lottery?
Did you meet someone new recently?
Uhh... YEAH..
Are you Love-struck?
Uhh.... I dunno... how can I tell if I am?
- Do you feel like you’ve been suddenly struck by a bolt of lightning
- Are you head over heels
- Feet don’t touch the ground
- Are you surprisingly nicer to people these days
- Can't stop thinking about a certain person
- Want to be with them, hold them & hug them
- Do you want to be held and hugged and loved by them in return
- Are you elated to find out that their feelings are reciprocated
- Is your stomach a bundle of nerves before your meetings
- Are you unsure if you’re hungry or full most of the time
- Have you experienced a sudden loss in weight
- Do you feel like a silly teenager
- Do you spend countless hours texting, calling and Skyping
- Do you talk about this person to almost everyone you know
- Do you email pictures of this person to your friends, bragging about how hot he/she is
- Does your heart rate rise to the point of losing your breath when you are moments away from seeing said person
- Do you feel like you are the richest person in the world since meeting him/her
- When you kiss, do you feel as if you belong in this person’s arms
- Are all your ex-lovers erased from your mind and all harbored ill feelings for these ex’s vanished and obsolete
- Do certain love songs replay in your mind like a cabaret? Example – Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now from Jefferson Starship, or perhaps You Got the Best of My Love by the Eagles? Or how about Ain’t Nothin' Gonna Break my Stride by Matthew Wilder – but wait! That’s not a love song!! Oh well, we like the chorus anyways
If you are experiencing any of the listed feelings above, you, my friend, are love-struck.
Cupid’s arrow found your heart’s center and blessed you with an unbelievable connection that most humans hope for, dream of and spend their whole lives being on hold for until it arrives, and sometimes, for some people, it doesn’t ever arrive. But for some it does. So consider yourself lucky and deserving.
Alert: These symptoms may lead to a lifetime of happiness.
There are no remedies for lovestruckness.
Best practices:
- Enjoy
- Do not question it
- Do not wait for something to ruin it
- Relish in its splendor
- Give your love in return
- Express yourself
- Treasure the connection
- Plant these love-struck seeds so that they may grow and be strong forever
- Don’t screw it up
P.S. Thanks Aphrodite, for releasing the curse.